Layers Upon Layers
by LaTrea Derome Rembert
I am known for having on layers and layers of clothing, and when it’s literally freezing outside, the more the merrier.
Waking up to a crisp and cold room can be a little shocking on the body for a dancer like myself. Having to come from up under the many layers of blankets is never easy but it’s what I do for myself after that helps to prepare myself for the day.
After taking the time to freshen myself up and mentally wake myself up, I take the time to get myself together physically. I start by adding some layers to keep myself warm. Then I’ll turn on some inspirational tunes to help get my mind ready for all of what the day will bring. I then take some time to do some stretching-nothing too intense but enough to get me ready for a full day of dance. I begin with some neck rolls and then move to my shoulders and ribs. From there, I’ll do some toe touches and knee bends to get blood flowing to my legs, feet, and all other lower extremities. From there, I like to take myself into a plank position to begin to wake up and engage the muscles in my arms while also working and strengthening the core. I’ll do a few pushups and then move into a downward dog for the last bit of stretching. After being in this position for a couple of breaths before walking my hands to my feet and slowly rolling up, stacking the spine one vertebrae at a time to properly align myself when upright.
Unfortunately, I still have to brave the cold in order to make it to our SPdp & Soy Sos rehearsals. It’s a nice walk in for me on a warm day but it can be brutal in the winter. I am known for having on layers and layers of clothing, and when it’s literally freezing outside, the more the merrier. I walk at a brisk pace to keep the blood flowing and to generate some sort of warmth in my body and mentally tell myself I’m on a beach in Miami, Fl. This typically helps keep my spirits up on the 5 minute walk so that by the time I get to the studio, I’m ready to give my best.
LaTrea Derome Rembert
LaTrea Derome Rembert is a multi-disciplinary performance artist based in Pittsburgh. Originally from Cincinnati, OH, LaTrea relocated to Pittsburgh in 2010 to study Theater Arts at Point Park University. Upon obtaining his B.A. in 2014, LaTrea began his professional career. As a theater artist, his stage work has been seen with different theater companies locally including the CLO Cabaret Theater (Spamilton), the REP (Scottsboro Boys, Wig Out!, Choir Boy), and Pittsburgh Musical Theater (Dreamgirls, Young Frankenstein, The Little Mermaid) to name a few, and has also done numerous readings and workshops with City Theater. Additionally, LaTrea has been a dancer with the STAYCEE PEARL dance project for the past 7 seasons and has had the opportunity to premier in works such as sol., sym, Abbey: In The Red, and Flowerz. Recently the company toured throughout southern Italy in December of 2019, making LaTrea’s international performance debut. Not only limited to performing, LaTrea has assisted director Tome’ Cousin in the production of Coram Boy (2018) at Point Park, and has also choreographed for barebones’ production of The Legend of Georgia Mcbride. In January of 2020, LaTrea premiered a solo work entitled _lostncompleX as a part of the insideTRACK residency with PearlArts Studios.